Bride of Son of Cheap Video: Instruction List

Pointer Load Instructions
Operation Address Mode Mnemonic Notes
42 2 / 2 - Load DP0 Immediate LDDP0#  
54 2 / 4 - Load DP0 Zero-page,X LDDP0ZPG,X  
DC 3 / 4 - Load DP0 Absolute LDDP0ABS  
C2 2 / 2 - Load DP1 Immediate LDDP1#  
44 2 / 3 - Load DP1 Zero-page LDDP1ZPG  
D4 2 / 4 - Load DP1 Zero-page,X LDDP1ZPG,X  
0B 3 / 4 DC Load DP1 Absolute LDDP1ABS  
E2 2 / 2 - Load NCP Immediate LDNCP#  
F4 2 / 4 - Load NCP Zero-page,X LDNCPZPG,X  
FC 3 / 4 - Load NCP Absolute LDNCPABS  
Prefix Instructions
Operation Address Mode Mnemonic Notes
83 1 / 1 03 DP0 prefix Implied DP0_PFX  
C3 1 / 1 03 DP1 prefix Implied DP1_PFX  
43 1 / 1 03 NCP prefix Implied NCP_PFX  
"2 in1" Instructions (standard op with implicit prefix)
Operation Address Mode Mnemonic Notes
F3 2 / 6 A1 Far LDA using DP1 (X,ind) LDAX):DP1  
E3 2 / 5 B1 Far LDA using DP1 (ind),Y LDA)Y:DP1  
D3 3 / 4 AD Far LDA using DP1 Absolute LDAABS:DP1  
B3 2 / 6 81 Far STA using DP0 (X,ind) STAX):DP0  
A3 2 / 6 91 Far STA using DP0 (ind),Y STA)Y:DP1  
93 3 / 4 8D Far STA using DP0 Absolute STAABS:DP0  
8B 3 / 6 0C Far TSB using DP0 Absolute TSBABS:DP0  
9B 3 / 6 1C Far TRB using DP0 Absolute TRBABS:DP0  
Jump and Return Instructions
Operation Address Mode Mnemonic Notes
13 3 / 3 4C Far JMP using NCP Absolute JMP:NCPX 1
23 3 / 6 20 Far JSR using NCP Absolute JSR:NCPX 1
EB 1 / 6 60 Far RTS using NCP Stack RTS:NCPX 1
FB 1 / 6 40 Far RTI using NCP Stack RTI:NCPX 2
Push and Pull Instructions
Operation Address Mode Mnemonic Notes
6B 1 / 3 08 Push DP0 Stack PHDP0  
7B 1 / 3 08 Push DP1 Stack PHDP1  
4B 1 / 3 08 Push CCP Stack PHCCP  
5B 1 / 3 08 Push NCP Stack PHNCP  
63 1 / 4 7A Pull Y, copying the value to DP0 Stack PLY=DP0 3
73 1 / 4 7A Pull Y, copying the value to DP1 Stack PLY=DP1 3
53 1 / 4 7A Pull Y, copying the value to NCP Stack PLY=NCP 3
1B 1 / 4 7A Pull Y, copying value to IP lowbyte Stack PLY=IPL 3
2B 1 / 4 7A Pull Y, copying value to IP highbyte Stack PLY=IPH 3
Miscellaneous Instructions
Operation Address Mode Mnemonic Notes
AB 3 / 6 0C Far TSB using DP0 ( IP ) TSBIP):DP0 4
BB 3 / 6 1C Far TRB using DP0 ( IP ) TRBIP):DP0 4
3B 1 / 9 4C "Next." Jump (( IP )) and
post-increment IP by 2
(( IP++ )) NEXT 5
33 3 / * 20 Far Scan using NCP. (Reads bytes
for video horizontal scan line.)
Absolute SCAN:NCP 6
DB 2 / 6 81 STA and copy pointer to W (X,ind) STAX)PTR>W 8
CB 2 / 6 A1 LDA and copy pointer to W (X,ind) LDAX)PTR>W 8
03 2 / 2 03 One-cycle NOP Implied 1CYNOP 9
5C 3 / 8 - Exchange CCP and NCP Implied N<>C 10
02 2 / 2 - Single increment of IP Implied SINC 7
22 2 / 2 - Double increment of IP Implied DINC 7

- many of the mnemonics are lengthy because they also specify the address mode (thus simplifying the mods to my assembler)

Note 1: NCP is eXchanged with CCP. "X" in the mnemonic denotes this.
Note 2: RTI:NCPX is only useful as a form of jump, for a Debugger perhaps. The KK typically did not use hardware interrupts because certain KK instructions can crash if interrupted. Circuitry to remedy this remains incomplete.
Note 3: "Pull" instructions cannot be created using NOPs. To increment the Stack Pointer a PLA, PLX, PLY or PLP is required and a register will be written to. KK maps its pulls to the PLY opcode. The mnemonics remind the programmer of this compromise solution.
Note 4: I think I intended these for manipulation of pixel bit-maps, with IP providing accelerated addressing through the array. I don't recall whether the capability ever got used.
Note 5: NEXT is discussed on this page
Note 6: The Scan instruction is discussed here.
Note 7: SINC and DINC are discussed here.
Note 8: these instructions are used to provide X-Indirect-Y Addressing, explained here.
Note 9: 1CYNOP (1-cycle NOP) is intended for software timing loops
Note 10: N<>C is used during initialization, before the 16MB map is enabled, as a means to load CCP. Otherwise it is suicidal to load CCP but not the PC.

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