for registerheads only
This is about programming, processor design, and other non-mainstream content - what goes on under the hood of a computer.

MC14500 block diagram

the KK Computer - a radical 6502 redesign
This is the story of an extremely unusual microcomputer. An industry-standard CPU chip is dramatically enhanced by off chip circuitry - a coprocessor - that boosts the machine's capabilities into a different class.

Visual Guide to 65xx CPU Timing
The animated "rubber band" diagrams in this article offer insight into real-world timing margins and the tradeoffs between them.

One-Bit Computing at 60 Hertz
No Cray, this, but it earns its keep. An amusing yet valid design.

The Diablo Proprietary CPU
This page describes the "brain" of a Diablo 1345 printer: not a microprocessor but a fascinating proprietary engine built out 3 PROM's and some TTL chips.

Servicing the Unserviceable
Main/extra index
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